Rethinking Customer Journeys for 2024

September 18-19, 2023| 12 PM ET

Brooke Lynch

Deputy Divisional Director and Principal Analyst CCW Digital

Day 1: Redefining Customer Journeys, Rebuilding Customer Connections

12:00 PM Opening Keynote: 5 Trends Reshaping The Customer Journey

Thought leaders love to talk about “changing times” and “new normals.” But what changes are our customers actually prioritizing? And what do these changes actually mean for the way we engage with them throughout every phase of the journey?

Our Seminar Series will begin by answering these questions. Analysts Brian Cantor and Brooke Lynch will share research highlighting five trends that are significantly reshaping the way customers seek support, behave during interactions, and evaluate brands. From there, they will provide a roadmap for how you can fuse customer-centric thinking, actionable intelligence, and innovative initiatives to create unforgettable customer connections. Topics include:

  • ChatGPT, right now: Learn what customers really think about generative AI, and what that perspective means for CX strategy
  • Personalization vs. Speed: Find out how customers really feel about “personalized” experiences
  • Digital engagement myths: Get the truth about the right way to connect with customers in the digital world
  • Human-centric CX: Understand when and how to be “human” in your experience
  • Proactive engagement: Distinguish between “empowering” and “annoying” as you learn how best to anticipate and proactively address customer needs