Christine Ducey

Content Analyst, CCW Digital Customer Management Practice

Day 1: Tuesday, November 1st

12:00 PM Taylor, Tesla & Trust | Customer Engagement Trends You Need To Know

The power of customer data is all around us, and this unfiltered opening keynote will prove just that. Join CEI analysts Brian Cantor and Christine Ducey as they offer an unscripted, live, possibly controversial take on some hot, real-world topics in customer engagement – Taylor Swift’s record-breaking new album, the highs and lows of the Tesla customer experience, influencer marketing, authenticity, failed examples of personalization, and more. Along the way, they’ll reveal questions you can ask – and lessons you can adopt – as you work to elevate your customer intelligence strategy.

Day 2: Wednesday, November 2nd

12:00 PM Analyst Chat | Customer Intelligence Trends, Challenges & Opportunities For 2023

You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken. You can’t connect with customers if you can’t understand them. You can’t achieve new success if you can’t spot opportunities. These adages confirm the enduring importance of customer intelligence. Unfortunately, knowledge of their importance is not translating into action.

More than 90% of companies confirm challenges with their customer intelligence strategies. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that brands are struggling to eliminate frequent pain points, orchestrate better journeys, or achieve more personalized interactions.

In this opening keynote, CEI analysts Brian Cantor and Christine Ducey will share research on the state of customer intelligence ahead of 2023. They will reveal the new standard of data needed to connect with customers, roadblocks that prevent companies from collecting and analyzing what they need, and opportunities for not only fixing those problems but harnessing data to create unforgettable customer journeys.

1:00 PM Gathering Data Without Infringing on Privacy: A Conversation with Thomas McMaster

Using customer analytics and data to drive targeted sales and marketing efforts is great, but when does it start infringing on the customer’s privacy? Join Tommy McMaster from Compliance Architects as he shares insights on how to use data to personalize customer calls while remaining standard compliant.

In this session he will also cover: 

  • What expert personalized outreach looks like (and the technology you need to get you there).
  • How data can help or hurt your chances of getting a sale.
  • The future of customer data and analytics.