CCW Healthcare Exchange September 2024

Featured Speakers
Pivotal Perspectives, Unparalleled Conversations

Connect with Like-Minded Peers

Because of the unique structure of the Exchange, benchmarking & networking are more productive with shared challenges, insights, and goals during scheduled and unscheduled activities.


The Exchange gathers 100 most senior executives in order to provide a myriad of actionable takeaways, ranging from insight into new technologies to guidance on measuring performance to strategy for establishing a customer centric vision that will turn customers into advocates.

1:1 Business Meetings

Shorten your RFP Cycle! Take part in one-to-one business private business meetings with solution providers that can help you navigate your biggest challenges.

Project Analysis

Take 2.5 days out of the office to not only learn, but also to relax and brainstorm in luxury. Your particular issues are put under the spotlight and with an open mind you can embrace the potential solutions that will emerge through group discussions.

2024 Solution Providers
Find out how being a part of the CCW Healthcare Exchange will provide you with the opportunity you need to meet prospects & grow your customer base. Email us for more information.


“This is a very open and intimate setting where we can learn not just from our industry but also from others and that’s important too. I was speaking with some strategic vendors that were here, and was able to learn how experience in general, that have been disrupted from digital in the past can serve as points of learning. And this will help us move the Patient Experience using digital platforms especially in my case, more effectively.”

Chief Digital Officer & Senior Vice President for Technology Innovation, Thomas Jefferson University

“It was a great opportunity to connect with colleagues and vendors. I spent some time chatting with some exceptional vendors where I think we can create some alignment around their product and what PM Pediatrics is trying to do to improve the Patient Experience for our patients and families across our sites. This was a small and intimate setting that gave us all the opportunity to get to know each other on a more personal level that you don’t get at other large conferences. It’s been a really great experience and I am looking forward to more.“

Patient Experience Officer & Director of Employee Learning and Development, PM Pediatrics

Hear What Executives Had to Say

“This event is an exceptional event. It is small and intimate and gives so much opportunity for you to network with other people in the Patient Experience - not only what they are doing from a caring and empathic, compassionate care point of view, but also all the technology opportunities that are coming this way to meet the needs of the future patient.”

Director of Patient Experience, Mayo Clinic