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In today’s hypercompetitive landscape, we all recognize the importance of personalized customer engagement. We all look to replace moments of frustration with journeys of customer delight. We all strive to transform one-time transactions into lifetime customer relationships.
But what does it take to get there? What does it take to ensure our initial marketing outreach introduces us to customers who will become passionately loyal advocates for our brand?

In theory, marketing technology should play a role. By helping us not only understand but act on customer data, it should empower us to become the brand our customers forever want to support, as opposed to one they temporarily tolerate.

In practice, marketing technology tends to exacerbate challenges. Data becomes fragmented. AI proves ineffective. Team members become frustrated. Strategies go awry.

Featuring a combination of research-driven insights, real-word case studies, and exclusive best practices, State of Marketing Technology will help you develop a unique, 360-degree customer engagement strategy that is easy to implement, yet impossible for your competitors to replicate.

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